PIC USB Keyfob Mini-programmer Starter Kit
Available end January.
Single individual USB PIC keyfob mini-programmer with USB PC loader and software for In System Programming of PIC flash microcontrollers in PIC16F and PIC18F families. Ideal for field and production use. Each PIC programmer comes in a key fob case and has one button operation to eliminate operator errors. Removes the need for a PC on the production line or in the field. .
PIC Keyfob Operation
Just load using the USB dongle and software included. Once the PIC keyfob programmer is loaded, just keep plugging it into your target boards and program/verify Flash and EEPROM with a single button press.
PIC USB keyfob mini-programmer Starter Kit
With these features
- PIC USB keyfob mini programmer
- PC USB Loader and software
- 6-way SIL adapters
- Easy to load from PC - needs USB loader
- Single button operation
- Dimensions: Metric- 45mm x 35mm x 15mm - 28g
- Dimensions: Imperial - 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.5 inches - 1 oz
- Powered by target circuit
- Reprogram as many times as you need
- Holds program code indefinitely
- High Voltage and Low Voltage Programming Modes
- 10-way DIL interface and 6 x 1 SIL adapter
Android App
Save programmer contents to a PRG file (which can be encrypted), send it to an Android tablet, smart phone or cell phone and programmer can simply be reloaded with new contents. This gives you much greater flexibility.
See product accessories below for OTG cables that connect your phone to Kanda Dongle.
More Details, Video and App Download
PIC Microcontroller Support
PIC18F microcontrollers
- PIC18Fxxxx
- PIC18FxxJxx
- PIC18FxxKxx (9V VPP)
- Now Supports PIC18FxxK80, PIC18F6xK22/8xK22, PIC18FxxJ50, PIC18F6xK90/8xK90 and PIC18FxxK83
- Supports PIC18FxxQ10, PIC18FxxQ4x, PIC18FxxQ71
- PIC18FxxQ20, PIC18FxxQ83, PIC18FxxQ84
- Also supports LF versions
FREE Updates available for new device support.
PIC12F Microcontrollers
- PIC12F1822, PIC12F1840
- PIC12F609, PIC12F615, PIC12F617
- PIC12F635, PIC12F683
- PIC12F1571, PIC12F1572
Plus LF/HV versions
PIC16F Microcontrollers
- PIC16F610
- PIC16F616
- PIC16F627
- PIC16F628
- PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F648A (HVP mode programming only if Reset pin is not reprogrammed as I/O)
- PIC16F631, PIC16F636, PIC16F639
- PIC16F677
- PIC16F68x, PIC16F690
- PIC16F7x
- PIC16F7x7
- PIC16F72x
- PIC16F785
- PIC16F818
- PIC16F819
- PIC16F8x
- PIC16F8xA
- PIC16F87x
- PIC16F873A
- PIC16F874A
- PIC16F876A
- PIC16F877A
- PIC16F88x
- PIC16F91x
- PIC16F946
- PIC16F19xx
- PIC16F15xx
- PIC16F161x
- PIC16F170x
- PIC16F171x
- PIC16F176x
- PIC16F177x
- PIC16F178x
- PIC16F18xx
- PIC16F183xx
- PIC16F188xx
- PIC16F153xx
- PIC16F184xx
- PIC16F152xx
- PIC16F180xx
- PIC16F181xx
- LF versions also supported
PIC12F and PIC16F Not supported
- PIC12F629
- PIC16F630
- PIC16F676
- PIC16F5x
- PIC16F505
As the PIC keyfob draws power from the target circuit, it operates at the target voltage, down to 3V. However, the BULK ERASE command on older PIC microcontrollers will not work below 4.5V.
So, if your target voltage is below 4.5V locked devices cannot be re-programmed. Older PIC16F microcontrollers (not 16F1xxx) need at least 4.5V in all cases. We recommend the PIC Handheld programmer for low voltage applications as it can power the target.
In HVP mode, if the configuration bits are set for internal master clear and internal oscillator, the PIC device will start to execute code before entering the program mode because the MCLR pin will not hold it in reset. Also, if RB6 and/or RB7 are configured as outputs by the program there may be contention between these pins and the PIC programmer preventing the device from entering the program mode properly.
6 Way Adapter
This adapter has standard Microchip layout, MCLR, VCC, GND, DATA, CLOK, (LVP). If you require a different pin layout, see 10FLEX in accessories below.
Related Products
The PIC keyfob is NOT designed to cope with faulty target boards, so you should test or isolate target boards first, or use the PIC handheld programmer instead.
PIC Keyfob Mini-programmers are available without loader.
PIC Keyfob programmer
You can also buy 5 PIC Keyfob Mini-programmers, without the PC USB interface.
PIC Keyfob USB Multi Pack
Extra PIC USB Keyfob Mini-programmers are available in 6 pack with starter kit.
PIC USB Keyfob Mini-programmer Service Pack
PIC USB Handheld Programmer
The PIC Handheld Programmer has these advantages:
- Full 256KB code space
- More protection against faulty target circuits
- Powers target at 3.3 or 5V
- Uses Programming Voltage first method of entering Program Mode in HVP
- Serial numbering
- Limit programs allowed
- Mobile phone loading app
- More device support
- 8-way version available
PIC USB Handheld Programmer for more details