Overviews and Guides
A range of guides covering Kanda products, wireless networking solutions, PIC and
AVR ISP circuits, programmer ranges, CUPL, CANbus and C code examples.
AVR Guides
Code Examples
PIC Guides
Wireless Guides
Circuit Guides
Terminal Servers
General Guides
Programmer Guides
Kanda Electonics Guides
Kanda aim to help you with our technical expertise. We have a wide range of guides available on different topics, such as
How to program microcontrollers,
ISP interfaces, chip programmers, device servers, terminal servers, PIC ICSP guides, Bluetooth wireless, AVR microcontroller
and PIC microcontrollers.
Kanda Electronics Blog also has lots of posts on chip
programming, CAN bus, Hex File formats, C programming plus guides to different microcontroller development environments, such as
MPLAB X, Atmel Studio and Microchip Studio.