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Programmers-Burners » Hand Held Programmers » ARM Plus Handheld » CYCLONE-LC-ARM

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Cyclone LC ARM

Kanda - Cyclone LC universal Programmer for ARM devices
  • Supports ARM Cortex Microcontrollers eg ST32, Nordic, SAM and many more
  • Standalone or PC operated with touch screen
  • 16MB memory, 8 images
  • Multiple Communication Interfaces- USB, Ethernet, serial
  • Advanced features - serial numbers, bar codes etc
  • Acts as Debug Probe as well
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Price: $799.00
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Cyclone LC ARM Programmer

PEmicro's Cyclone LC ARM flash programmers are powerful tools to in-circuit program, debug, and test ARM devices in either stand-alone mode or controlled from a PC. Programming may be launched by a single button press without a PC or automatically from a PC via the automated control SDK. The Cyclone may also be used as a debug probe during development.

cyclone interior


Optional upgrades for Cyclone LC

These upgrades are included with Cyclone FX programmer. See

Cyclone LC and FX Comparison

Device Support

ARM Cortex devices
  • Atmel: SAMxxx
  • Cypress: CCG2, CCG3PA, EZ-BLE-PSoC-PRoC, EZ-BLE-PSoC6, FM3, PRoC-BLE, PSoC4, PSoC5, PSoC6, Traveo II
  • GigaDevice: GD32
  • Infineon: XMC
  • Maxim Integrated: DARWIN
  • NordicSemi: nRF51, nRF52
  • NXP: Automotive, iMX, Kinetis, LPC, Sensors, Trimension, Vybrid
  • OnBright: OB90Rxx
  • ON Semiconductor: RSL10
  • Redpine Signals: WiSeMCU
  • Silergy (Maxim): AM0x, AM1x, MAX716xx
  • Silicon Labs: EFM32, EFR32, SiM3
  • STMicroelectronics: Bluetooth, STM32
  • Texas Instruments: LM3S, LM4, SimpleLink, TM4C12x
  • Toshiba: TX00, TX03, TX04
  • WIZnet: W7500x

Modes of Operation

Stand Alone Programming - Manual Control

The Cyclone can be used to program target processors in stand-alone mode without a PC. In this case, the images for programming are downloaded into the non-volatile memory of the Cyclone in advance of programming.

Once a programming image is resident in the Cyclone, programming can be as simple as pressing the start button. The result of programming can be seen on the Success/Error LEDs as well as the touchscreen (which shows far more detail). Using the start button is an extremely simple and fast way to program targets on the production line as well as perform firmware upgrades in the field. The difference between success and failure is clearly shown to the operator. The currently selected image can be changed on the touch screen.

Automatic serialization of the target processors, as specified by the image, is fully supported without a PC.

Stand-alone programming of an image can be manually launched in several ways:

  • Using the million press rated start button (one touch programming)
  • Using the touch screen LCD menu

Stand Alone Programming may also be fully automated from a PC.

Stand-alone Programming - Automated

In addition to manual launch via the start button, stand-alone programming can be automatically controlled from a PC using the included Cyclone Control Suite.

The goal is to allow full control of one or more Cyclones from the PC, either from within a GUI, a custom application, or from the command-line. This includes launching programming, recovering results, managing images resident on a Cyclone, adding unique programming data for each target, and more. All of these things are possible in an automated way without an operator. The simplest fundamental control of programming looks like this :

  • Host PC Command Packet Launches Programming
  • Cyclone Image Programmed To Target
  • Cyclone Recovers Successful Result Or Error To PC

cyclone interactive program

The three components of the Cyclone Control Suite allow you to automate control of a stand-alone programming image from a PC in several ways:

  • Cyclone Control Console (command-line utility). Launch programming, recover the result, and optionally change a programming image in a Cyclone from the command-line or within a batch file.
  • Cyclone Control SDK (.dll) . Allows programming control to be integrated into user applications. Allows programming to be launched and results to be recovered from a Cyclone directly from the user's own application.
  • Cyclone Control GUI (graphical interface). Allows the user to add and remove a SAP image, access Cyclone and image settings and properties, add additional licenses to the Cyclone, and more.

Included Software

PEmicro provides utilities to set up the Cyclone and generate programming images. Cyclone IP Setup Utility enables users to set network parameters, associate a name with each particular Cyclone, upgrade the Cyclone Firmware, and setup user options for LCD display. Cyclone Image Creation Utility Configures and generate a programming image which sets up their architecture, object code, programming parameters, desired communication protocols, SWD or JTAG, Target Power and Voltage Settings, image restrictions, and much more. Cyclone Image manager allows the user to manage images on their cyclone.

PROG programming software allows the user to in-circuit program flash program for both internal memory and external flash devices, via Cyclone, without needing an IDE. The command-line version, CPROG, is not included in this free package. Details of this package are shown in PE Micro ARM ISP Package (PROG-HL-ARM) that is normally charged for. PEmicro provides several utilities to make the programming process versatile and manageable as well. The SAP Launch Utility may be invoked in a batch file to carry out pre-configured operations. The Barcode Test Generator utility facilitates creating a Barcode Test creates tests whether an input barcode meets the criterion that the user is looking for to be considered a match (exactly or range). The Serialize utility is a graphical utility for creating, testing, and updating serial number files. Also available for free download is the GDB Server for ARM Devices, when paired with PEmicro hardware, extends the GNU debugger so that it allows for remote debugging of any microcontroller target present on the user network. PEmicro's Secure Boot Helper Utility is a valuable tool that helps speed setup and troubleshooting of Secure Boot in NXP's I.MX RT devices. A convenient interface allows easy configuration and provides immediate, vital feedback so that users know their device will be secure in the field. Check out an overview of Secure Boot and our Secure Boot Helper Utility, and view a walk-through of how the utility coordinates seamlessly with the Cyclone Image Creation Utility when creating stand-alone programming images with Secure Boot settings.

Cyclone Guides

Cyclone LC and FX Comparison

Cyclone Control Suite

Free GDB Server ARM Plugin

Cyclone LC Contents

  • Cyclone LC ARM Programmer
  • Power Supply
  • Leads
  • Ribbon Cables

Cyclone LC ARM contents



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Ordering Information

Ordering Information Order Code: CYCLONE-LC-ARM Price: $799.00
Shipping to United States: Recorded airmail - $25.50 Fedex Express - $49.50


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