PIC Development Board
Kanda PIC development board for PIC16F and PIC18F PIC microcontrollers. It has socket support most 8, 14, 20, 28 and 40-pin DIP PIC16F and PIC18F families. The board gives access to all peripheral functions of the PIC, which simplifies development.
PIC Development Board Features
- Interfaces for PICKit2/3 Programmers with 6-pin x 1 connector
- RJ11 connector for ICD2/3 Emulators and Programmers
- Power and clock circuitry,
- All ports are brought out to pin headers for easy connection of accessories and prototype boards
- LCD interface (14x 1) for Hitachi type LCDs
- 8 switches and LEDs
- Jumper leads to move ports for switches, LEDs and LCD
- I2C EEPROM socket
- ADC circuits.
PIC Microcontroller Device Support
The hardware board can be used with most 8, 14, 20, 28 and 40-pin DIP microcontrollers.
If you are in doubt, check in your device datasheet that your device has this pinout.
PIC microcontrollers are available separately, and none is included with board.
- PIC development board, with PICKit2 connector
- RJ12 adapter for connecting Microchip ICD2/3
- CD with schematics, hardware manual and sample code examples
If you require a kit with full development software including C compilers, programmer and emulator, PIC16F and PIC18F microcontrollers, and training material, please see STK-PIC below.