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Programmers-Burners » In System Programmers (ISP) » Serial EEPROM Programmers » PRESTO-M

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PRESTO USB Programmer for Memory

Kanda - PRESTO USB ISP Programmer serial EEPROM, Flash Microcontrollers

PRESTO USB programmer
Very fast in system programmer, self powered from USB bus, with enhanced ICSP programming capability. This USB programmer supports a wide range of serial memory, including Serial EEPROM, Serial Flash and Dataflash,

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Price: $119.00

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PRESTO USB programmer

In System Programmer for reading, copying or programming memory chips on the target PCB, including computer motherboards, radios and vehicle electronics, using the SOIC and DIP clips accessory to connect to target device.

PRESTO is a very fast in system programmer, self powered from USB bus, with enhanced ICSP programming capability. This USB ISP programmer supports a wide range of serial memory, including Serial EEPROM, Serial Flash and Dataflash, Microchip PIC microcontrollers at 2.7-5V target voltage or powered by the PRESTO programmer at 5V operation. Also supports dsPIC, PIC24, AVR and other microcontrollers

CPLD and other devices that use JTAG are supported using JTAG player software.

PRESTO Programmer Features

  • Most serial memory is supported
  • Easy to copy devices
  • Most PIC microcontrollers supported
  • Very fast programmer operation
  • PRESTO programmer controlled and powered by USB
  • Target application voltage 2.7 to 5 V
  • Overcurrent and overvoltage protection for PICMicro
  • GO button
  • Includes an 8 way flying lead adapter, 0.1" (2.54mm) pin header connectors
    Presto target connector
  • SOIC and DIP IC clips available
    soic clip picture

PRESTO Programmer Detail

  • Target devices can be read and displayed in buffer window and saved in different file formats. This allows devices to be copied easily.
  • PRESTO is optimized for programming speed and it is a very fast memory programmer.
  • In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) is a very useful and often used feature, especially for microcontrollers. Most microcontroller PCBs have an ISP header, but the IC clip accessories can be used for other circuits.
  • The target memory or microcontroller can be either powered by PRESTO Programmer (5 V nominally) or can be powered by the target, within a voltage range 2.7 to 5 V (with 10% tolerance).
  • GO button allows user to start programming easily, without the need for a PC keyboard or mouse. LEDs indicate programmer status - green LED ON-LINE indicates the USB connection and yellow LED ACTIVE indicates that PRESTO is just working (programming, reading, ...)
  • Overcurrent limitation of target supply and programming voltages remarkably reduce the risk of damaging the target device because of user mistakes. Target supply overvoltage detection is also implemented.
  • PRESTO programmer is powered from the USB bus, so there is no need for any additional supply adaptor.
  • PRESTO programmer is small, lightweight and compact.
  • Software upgrades are freely available for all users on the Internet. They contain new device support, new functions and algorithm updates when required.

Software Features

The software is very comprehensive but simple to use.
  • Separate Code and Data windows for microcontrollers
  • Configuration and Security screen with clear descriptions and easy settings
  • Comprehensive device support
  • Varied programming, read and verify options - Program All, Program Code, Data or Configuration Only, Verify, Read etc.
  • Extra Features such as Serial Numbers, Program counts, user settable Hot Keys
Download Software - 24MB

Asix Multi-UP Program

UP software, which supports both PRESTO and FORTE, is now shipped with Multi-UP program. This is a great piece of software for running up to 4 programmers from one PC, ideal for production.

Multi-UP makes it easy to configure each programmer to program a different target.

Multi-UP software picture

Create a project (PPR) in standard UP software for each target combination - device, filenames, fuses etc and save it. Just load this PPR into Multi-UP along with the programmer serial number and in no time you have up to 4 programmers ready to go.

MultiUP can also be used with just one programmer to give an easy programming tool for your production workers.

Device Support

  • Serial EEPROMs
    • I2C (24Cxx and variants e.g. 24AAxx, 24LC)
    • Microwire (93LCxx, 93Cxx etc)
    • SPI (25Cxx and other 25 series types)
  • Serial Flash Memory (25Fxx, 25DF, PM25, MX25L etc.)
  • SPI DataFlash (AT45DB)
  • Microchip PIC Microcontrollers
    Serially programmable PICMicro (all Flash and the most popular OTP/JW), including J and K devices
  • dsPIC30, dsPIC33, PIC24, MSP43x and PIC32MX ( Does not support dsPIC33/PIC24 Dual Partition Mode)
  • Atmel AVR MCUs
    Devices with SPI low voltage serial downloading - for example ATtiny12, AT90S8535, ATmega128
  • Atmel 8051 Family
    AT89S2051, AT89S4051, AT89S51/52/53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253, AT89LP6440
  • Cypress PSoC
  • Components with JTAG interface
    - types which can be programmed using SVF or XSVF file - for example
    • CPLD - Xilinx (XC95xx, CoolRunner, ...), Altera and others
    • FPGA configuration Flash PROMs - Xilinx (XC18Vxx, XCFxxS)
    • Atmel ATxmega
    • TI Microcontrollers, CC25xxx, CC111xxx

Link to Full Device Support List

More Information

A board with a ZIF socket for use with this USB Programmer is available.
Click for details about ISP to ZIF board

IC Test clip set for SOIC and DIP parts is available.
Click for details about SOIC and DIP IC Clips

JTAG Player
JTAG Player allows Presto to program devices with a JTAG interface using SVF files. Typical devices include:
  • CPLD - Xilinx (XC95xx, CoolRunner, ...), Altera, Lattice and others
  • FPGA Configuration Memories - Xilinx (XC18Vxx, XCFxxS) and similar types by other vendors
  • FPGAs - this is suitable especially during development because the FPGA internal SRAM programming takes much less time than programming of the configuration Flash memory
  • Atmel MCUs with the JTAG interface (e.g. ATmega) ...and other ICs with the JTAG interface which you use or you plan to use

Download and Save JTAG Player for CPLD

A DLL is available for PRESTO to allow you to write your own interface. Please visit this link for more information in new tab.

PRESTO DLL information and download

Using PRESTO with Linux
PRESTO and FORTE can be used under Linux. For an overview and to download the software, see this link.

Asix Linux Page

PRESTO MultiUP Software
Up to 4 PRESTO or FORTE programmers can be run easily from a single PC. Each programmer is configured (device, files, fuses etc.) in UP software and saved as a project file. MultiUP uses this project files to setup multi-programming of up to 4 programmers.

MultiUP Brief Description

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Ordering Information

Ordering Information Order Code: PRESTO-M Price: $119.00
Shipping to United States: Recorded airmail - $15.00 Fedex Express - $39.00


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