PIC ICSP programmers and emulators from Microchip
PIC microcontroller debuggers and emulators. Products include PIC Kit 3 and PICKit 4 plus Microchip SNAP debugger and programmer.
MPLAB Snap Debugger/Programmer
MPLAB Snap Debugger/Programmer
Microchip Technology MPLAB Snap In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer allows fast and easy debugging and programming of most PIC, AVR and SAM Flash microcontrollers and dsPIC...
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Price: $39.00
Stock: In Stock
PICKIT4 Programmer
PICKIT 4 Programmer and Emulator
Microchip PICkit4 programmer and emulator for PIC microcontrollers. The unit runs from MPLAB IDE (MPLAB X versions) or can be run from separate programming software.
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Price: $109.00
Stock: In Stock
PICKIT 3 Programmer and Emulator
PICKIT 3 Programmer and Emulator
Microchip PICkit 3 programmer and emulator for PIC microcontrollers. The unit runs from MPLAB IDE (MPLAB 8 or X versions) or can be run from separate programming software.
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Price: $62.00
PICKIT 2 Programmer and Emulator
PICKIT 2 Programmer and Emulator
New Low price, cheaper than anywhere!
Microchip PICkit 2 programmer and emulator for PIC microcontrollers. The unit runs from MPLAB IDE (MPLAB 8 or X versions) or can be run
Order Code
Price: $36.00
Designed to work from MPLAB X, PIcKit programmers and emulators make PIC microcontroller development much simpler.
PIC Kit 2 and PIC Kit 3 have now been discontinued and replaced with PIC Kit 4 and PIC SNAP. Both can be used with MPLAB X as programmers and emulators. Microchip Snap is lower cost but has less features and can't power your target unlike PICKit 4. PIC Kit 4 ca also debug some AVR microcontrollers.
As well as being excellent ICE tools, both can be used as PIC programmers, either from MPLAB X development environment or from MPLAB IPE, the standalone programming utility.