Order Cancellation
If you have placed an order but realised you have either made a mistake or want to cancel the purchase, please
contact us as soon as possible. Unfortunately we cannot always cancel the order as we ship orders as soon as we possibily can.
If your order has already shipped, you may incur a postage cost to return the item and also the original postage of sending the item out.
Incorrect Address
When you place an order, it is your responsibility to ensure that your shipping address is correct.
We will not be able to refund or replace your order if the shipping address provided is missing key details such
as the house number, road name or Zip/postal code. Please make sure you check your delivery address carefully before confirming the order.
Important - Fedex, for express delivery, can not deliver to P.O. Boxes. Economy shipping is by recorded airmail
e.g. USPS and can use mail boxes.
Privacy and Data Security
Placing and order or requesting a quote and registering on our web site means that we will store the information you
give us, such as name, address, phone and email. We will ensure that this information is held securely and will not
pass it on to any third party. To see our full privacy policy, see
About menu above.
Under the new EU "Cookie Law", regulation 2009/136/EC, we must inform you about cookies
used on this site, and what they are for. Cookies are small bits of information stored on your
computer by a web site. This site uses 3 sets of cookies:
- Session ID (PHPSESSID) and associated values. This is a number stored on your PC that identifies you to our server,
so it can maintain your shopping cart and return you to the last product you viewed. These cookies
are deleted when you close your browser.
- Google Analytics. In common with most websites, Kanda uses Google Analytics to track visitor
numbers, new or returning users and other statistical information. Google Analytics cookies do not collect
personal data about you. The information is anonymous
and cannot be related to any particular user. Google Analytics cookies have the form _utma, _utmb or _ga, _gid.
and will be present from most websites you visit.
- For more information about cookies and Google Analytics,
see this link in a new window
- Kanda Blog, if visited, stores some Wordpress cookies, for time, last post visited and similar information
By continuing on this site, you give your implied consent to these cookies. The session ID will disappear
when you close your browser in any event, as will most Google Analytics cookies.