A training and development system for Altera Cyclone II FPGA devices that includes everything you need to teach, learn or just develop embedded designs with FPGA Devices.
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FPGA devices are often considered to be difficult to use and mean you need to learn software languages such as VHDL, which tends to put off electronics engineers. You can use a programming language, but you can also use a schematic from your favourite PCB package as the design tool. Now schematic entry software is low cost or free and produces the same result as VHDL solutions.
Kanda are now supply a FPGA training and development kit that has everything you need to learn about FPGAs, teach FPGAs or develop an embedded FPGA design. The software allows you to start from a schematic or use VHDL, depending on your preferences. Once you enter your VHDL code or schematic into the software, everything else is done for you from compilation through synthesis and simulation to programming the FPGA and running the results on real hardware.
This FPGA kit includes example code and tutorials covering the design process and how to create and fit your design into an Altera Cyclone II FPGA, which is one of the lowest cost FPGA’s on the market. The hardware board includes switches, lights and displays and comes with full schematics to help you produce your own design.
The Altera SignalTap II Logic Analyser forms part of the kit. This allows you to capture and trace signals in real time as part of the design process. So, with simulation and synthesis plus a built-in logic analyzer, you have all the tools to produce efficient designs very quickly. Once the design is finished the USB Blaster in the kit will program the FPGA so you can try them out on the hardware. The board also has an expansion port so you can develop your own extra circuitry while still using the on-board Cyclone II FPGA. This kit allows you to raopidly implement FPGAs in your own designs.
For more information click here
About Kanda
Kanda are manufacturers and distributors of tools for electronic engineers and trainers. Products include microcontroller and PLD training kits, programmers, cables and embedded modules. PC interfaces for CAN Bus, Bluetooth, USB and ZigBee wireless.
Issued by: Kanda on 19 August 2005.

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