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Embedded Device Servers

Serial to Ethernet converter boards and modules that are ideal for manufacturers who want to remote access to existing serial port products using network solutions or to provide web access. The embedded Ethernet boards and modules allow you to quickly add network and remote access to your serial port products.

Main Features

Embedded Ethernet boards and modules for building into your own products. Some of the boards have starter kits for experimentation and ease of setup.

Embedded Ethernet Modules and boards

Embedded Ethernet Starter Kits

The starter kits are described under individual embedded serial device server product descriptions.

Example Module

Embedded Ethernet Module

Example Board

Embedded Ehernet Board
This table is not suitable for mobiles.
Product Form
Device Interface Network
Security Level Protocols
LS100B Board RS232 DB9 10Base-T ID/password, IP Filtering TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, Telnet, PPPoE
NEMO10 Module RS232 10Base-T ID/password ARP, IP/ICMP, TCP, Telnet, DHCP, and PPPoE
SS100B Board RS232/422/485 DB9 10Base-T/100Base-T ID/password, IP Filtering, Data Encryption TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, Telnet, DNS, SNMP, PPPoE, HTTP, FTP, SMTP

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