Understanding Bluetooth pairing problems

Kanda is a company with a reputation for providing its customers with first rate merchandise. Electronic engineers and trainers love dealing with us because our goods are easy to use. This is the case regardless of how skilful they are or their specific need. They might come looking for Arduino Bluetooth technology, chips, or adaptors. Whatever their needs, we strive to meet them. Continue reading “Understanding Bluetooth pairing problems” »

Handheld Programmer on Android Phone

Kanda have released a free Android App, for smart phones and tablets, that lets you update your AVR or PIC handheld programmer contents from your phone. Just load the programmer, copy it to a programmer file (.PRG), send it to your customer, distributor or engineer and they use their phone or tablet to update the programmer.

Continue reading “Handheld Programmer on Android Phone” »

Using virtual COM ports to overcome USB conflicts

Our company has a reputation for providing Sena Bluetooth Zigbee device servers. These contraptions allow users to acquire a network interface for remote access to equipment existing in a COM port. The models range from those with a single port to large ones with 16 of them. In addition, they come with a host of features that make them a popular choice for programmers. Continue reading “Using virtual COM ports to overcome USB conflicts” »

You need an ISP device to provide microcontrollers with IDE compatibility

ISP programmers are essential if you want to program devices in the finished circuit. This is instead of doing so in a separate socket programmer. Because you can work with the final circuit, you can customise products in the later stages of the production cycle. Our goods might be for you if this is something that you want to be able to do. Continue reading “You need an ISP device to provide microcontrollers with IDE compatibility” »

How many people confuse AVR with Arduino?

Your regular programmers are only capable of so much. Some tasks have you upgrading firmware in the field or moving products to production. When you take part in these, you will notice the limitations. To avoid a myriad of issues, you should choose handheld programmers instead. They allow you to do your job properly and are among the easiest devices to use. Continue reading “How many people confuse AVR with Arduino?” »

Substitute your BeeProg programmer for a SuperPro one

Your occupation may require you to own universal programmers. If so, you have come to the right place. We have plenty of designs to choose from. This includes a healthy selection of Wellon and Xeltek SuperPro models. These are the most reliable tools you can find. As a result, you should expect to still be using them years after your purchase. Continue reading “Substitute your BeeProg programmer for a SuperPro one” »

Microcontrollers, training, electronics and coding
