Some tips for Atmel ICE users

When it comes to programming and debugging, Microchip is one of the global leaders. They create a number of fantastic devices, including the latest Atmel ICE. This is one of the many products Kanda is proud to sell. We have it in our inventory to ensure our customers have the best chance to find the right device for them.

As well as stocking and supplying this device, we always enjoy giving users advice. This can help them to get the most from their products. Below we have some useful tips for using the ICE.


Some versions of the ICE come in an enclosure. The manufacturer recommends that people who use this version take extra care if they plan to open it. While it is easy to do it, they have to be careful not to expose the board to harmful elements. They should take precautions to protect it from static in particular.

The version of the Atmel ICE we offer at Kanda does not have an enclosure. Instead we supply it as the board itself. We suggest the same care when handling it as you would use if you were removing it from an enclosure.


One of the greatest things about this device is it does not require a great deal of power. That means there is no need to plug it into the mains. Instead it can get all the power it needs from a USB hub. When you are programming with it, the device will use less than 100mA. After you use it, if you leave it plugged into the USB port it will go into a low power mode so it uses even less energy. However, if you don’t plan to use it again during a session, you should unplug it so it can power down completely.

Connecting to a computer

The ICE also stands out because it is very simple to connect it to a computer. All you need to do is plug a USB cable or micro cable into it and plug the other end into a USB 2.0 hub. It can then work in two modes – full and high speed. You do not need any specific drivers, unless you want to use the Advanced Data feature. However, you won’t need to search for this driver; it installs when installing Atmel software.

Ask us about Atmel ICE

Kanda works hard to offer the broadest range of programming and debugging devices. We bring together leading products from the best brands so our clients can find everything in one place. Then, we offer fast delivery and all kinds of other useful resources.

So, if you want to use the Atmel ICE, you can buy from us online or by calling. You can also speak to us if you have questions or need any other tips.

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