Important facts regarding Bluetooth range

We have always had a goal to provide the public with the finest programming utensils. In addition, we aim to ensure that everyone ends up with items they can rely on. This includes long range Bluetooth products. When you work with us, you can expect to have a reliable, swift, and cost efficient service.

Similar to other communication solutions, Bluetooth suits some applications far more than others. You may be thinking of using it yourself. If so, you should know about the leading factors that decide the effective range. It also helps to know how you can enhance it with networking. Read on to find out more.

The original purpose

Originally, Bluetooth was meant for exchanging huge levels of data at close range. This is in continuous, streaming applications. The devices have the capacity to receive and send data simultaneously. This is ideal for countless consumer products like computer headsets. Here, the two devices are in close proximity.

What is the range?

In terms of Bluetooth range, there are several factors that can influence it. These include transmitter power and antennas. They also include physical objects in the transmission path, and receiver sensitivity.

It is true that the antennas and radio performance are rather static for a given Bluetooth contraption. However, surroundings can change frequently. Outside, in an open field, you are able to get a range of up to one hundred meters. This is a rare situation though. It is more likely there will still be obstacles to deal with.

Indoors, concrete walls and similar obstacles shall attenuate your radio signal. Consequently, the effective range shall be considerably smaller. During standard use, ten meters is a decent guide to what you can obtain between a pair of Bluetooth items indoors.

How to get a better range?

Whilst developing a Bluetooth device, you are able to give it superior range. You can do so by choosing a chip with the greatest output power and receiver sensitivity. Additionally, you need to ensure you have a decent antenna. Sometimes, you will have to utilise Bluetooth over hundreds or even thousands of meters. Luckily there are antennas that can allow this. Contact us for the best long range Bluetooth products.

Now, we will talk a little about how you can enhance the range with networking. You are able to link Bluetooth items to several distributed gateways linked to the internet. The devices have the ability to communicate with one another. It is the same with online services. They use the gateways to do so. This is the perfect solution if you have devices spread over a massive geographical area.

Every hub can normally only support several directly connected contraptions. Chances are you will find a situation where you will need to handle thousands of Bluetooth items inside a relatively small area. For this, you will require a mesh area to link the Bluetooth devices and gateway.

Come to us for reliable long range Bluetooth products

At Kanda we supply the most reliable and longest lasting Bluetooth goods. In addition to offering quality products, we offer a custom modification and design service. This is the perfect way for us to give clients precisely what they require. Not to mention, we have a selection of other useful products available too.

So, if you would like to do business with us, please get in touch. We offer great prices on all long range Bluetooth products and only supply quality parts. You can even ask us for tips if you are unsure of what kind of specs you need.

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