How microchip PIC microcontrollers work

Every company has their speciality; at Kanda ours is offering tools for programming and debugging. For years, we have been working to provide every client with the items they need. This includes products like the Microchip Snap. If you are unfamiliar with this, it lets users program and debug microcontrollers with ease.

PIC is one of the families of microcontrollers from Microchip. The letters stand for peripheral interface controllers. PICs are very popular and people all over the world are using them.

Why use PIC?

A lot of people use them because of the impressive benefits. For example, there is serial programming, the cost to buy them is low, and the large user base. PIC seems to always be growing in popularity as more and more people look to innovate and develop new technology.

The microchip PIC stands out due to a number of other characteristics. They include separate data spaces and coding. The instructions are in small amounts of set length, with most being single cycle execution. There is also hardware stack for stocking return addresses and one accumulator.

You will see there is not that much data space. However, you can extend it via banking. In addition, the program counter, port and peripheral registers, and data space mapped GPU are mapped into the data space. You use them to implement direct jumps.

These PICS also use RISC architecture and there is a built in oscillator that has selectable speeds.

Another benefit is that the easy entry level makes it a user friendly option. Thanks to the low cost, it is accessible for most people. Then, there is a collection of interfaces like CAN, USART, and USB. Contact us if you need first rate microchip snap products.


You will discover that there are some limitations when you use a microchip PIC. For instance, there is only a single accumulator and operations are not orthogonal. Moreover, register bank switching is a necessity to access the whole RAM of some gadgets. Some of the constructions are also capable of addressing RAM while others simply use the accumulator.

Despite these, the more recent PIC models have some great enhancements. They lack many of the disadvantages of the older designs.

Ordering Microchip Snap products

At Kanda, we are more than capable of assisting clients who need programming products. We have several options for clients that need a debugger/programmer. This includes devices that are perfect for training and heavy use. There are models from some of the top names on the market.

So, if you want to find out more about any device, including the Microchip Snap, you can contact us. You can also find lots of info on our website.

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