Home automation and how to use Arduino Bluetooth

When you think about home automation you probably picture very expensive solutions. However, with the right products and a little know-how, you can achieve great things yourself. For example with Arduino Bluetooth you can have the ability to control many different things in your home from your phone.

What can a system control?

Even a basic home automation system can control a number of different things. For example you can have lights, doors, and windows, wall sockets, and even thermostats. You can also include different devices like a TV, a stereo, or fans.

The system can be as complex as you want, including all kinds of sensors to provide information. This data will go to the microcontroller so it can then take action.

It is a good idea to include PassiveIR so the system can detect if a person is in a room. This info can tell the system to keep lights on and control the temperature.

You can also have a specific sensor like an LM35 to monitor the temperature in a room. With this you can set the automation to turn on the heating if a room gets too cold.

Another thing to think about is using LDR sensors. They measure the intensity of the light near windows. This information can tell the system when to turn lights on and even close blinds when it gets too dark.

Talk to us about Arduino Bluetooth

Kanda is one of the top names in the electronics and programming sector. We stock high quality products from the best brands and also design and manufacture our own devices. As a result, we are a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to design their own devices and systems.

If you are thinking about home automation, we have products you will need. You can browse Arduino Bluetooth on our website or contact us for info. When you are ready to buy you can order on the site or contact us.

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