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AVR Command line and DLL software

DLL and command line software is now available with or AVRUSB AVR ISP programmer. A complete package of example applications, documentation and software can be downloaded free of charge to support some Kanda programmers.

Compiler support

The DLL can be integrated into any compiler that can statically link to DLLs using STDCALL method. This includes C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, Labview, LabWindows, HP-VEE and VB.NET.

Example Applications

Example applications are available for the following languages
  • Borland Delphi
  • Borland C++ 4
  • Visual Basic 6
  • LabView 7.1
All the AVR USB programmer example applications create this interface which demonstrates the use of most functions, including read, program and verify AVR.

AVR ISP DLL Example Screen

Command Line

The AVR command line or Console version is easy to use, with all switches documented. There are also example batch files to show how to use the console with different Kanda programmers.


The software package is licensed for use with Kanda Programmers, and can only be distributed as part of an application package. Please read full license agreement when you install the software. Free technical support is not available for this software, although please contact us with suspected bugs. If you need help with your application, we offer a paid Application Checking Service - contact sales.

We will add your name to our monthly Technical Newsletter, with details of new versions etc.

AVR DLL software

This AVR ISP software package has all you need to integrate Kanda USB AVR ISP programmer in to your own application, with a minimum of fuss and hassle. DLL and command line (Console) versions are both included.

One piece of software, with support for
  • AVR USB programmer
  • AVR USB JTAG Adapter
  • Parallel port of AVR PSI Programmer
  • AVRISP Parallel port programmer
Low cost AVRISP-U is not supported by the DLL. Whatever your PC interface requirements, you can choose the programmer to match, and be able to integrate it into your own software, using either a command line or DLL solution. Typical applications include
  • ATE Equipment
  • Multiple programmers
  • Simplified interface for field engineers
  • Test jigs
  • Production line programming.

Device support

These software programs support all released AVR devices, including all ATmega, AT90S and ATtiny devices. Upgrades will be available to support new devices as they are released, such as AT90USB.

Visit Downloads Page

Fast AVR USB Programmer with JTAG
Fast AVR USB Programmer with JTAG

Fast AVR USB Programmer with JTAG
Low Cost AVR ISP


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