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PIC Microcontroller Training Kit

Kanda - PIC Microcontroller Training Kit with PIC Programmer and Emulator
  • PIC demo kit, includes MBLAB IDE
  • Guides, samples and tutorials on CD
  • Includes PICKit2 emulator and programmer
  • Board with 18-pin sample PIC microcontroller
  • Includes MPLAB IDE and C compilers
Shipping to United States
Recorded Airmail: $15.00
Fedex Express: $29.00
Order Code
Price: $63.00
No Replacement

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PIC microcontroller training kit

A simple kit for introducing PIC microcontrollers and how to start developing PIC circuits. The PIC kit includes a USB PIC programmer, simple PIC board with PIC microcontroller, MPLAB software with PIC ICE debug support and integrated C complier plus tutorials and datasheets.

Our Advanced PIC Microcontroller Kit is the best value PIC kit on the market for learning PIC16F and PIC18F.


This simple kit includes everything you need to get started with PIC microcontrollers
  • MPLAB development IDE with Assembler and Debug interface
  • HI-TECH PICC LITE C Compiler for PIC18F and PIC16F devices
  • USB PIC Programmer with support for all PIC16F and PIC18F microcontrollers
  • 20-pin PIC board with LEDs, switch, prototyping area and sample PIC device
  • 12 tutorials on using digital I/O, ADC converters, interrupts, tables and timers. Includes all source code.
  • PIC microcontroller data sheets, many application notes and guides
  • New devices supported with free updates
  • MPLAB IDE includes On-chip Debug. This lets you run and halt your program, single step through it, animate (run slowly), set a breakpoint to observe program execution. Varriables can be watched throughout the process.

PIC Microcontroller Support - PIC ICSP

  • PIC10F200, PIC10F202, PIC10F204, PIC10F206, PIC10F220, PIC10F222
  • PIC12F508, PIC12F509, PIC12F510, PIC12F629, PIC12F635, PIC12F675, PIC12F683, PIC12F615, PIC12FHV615
  • PIC16F54, PIC16F57, PIC16F59, PIC16F505, PIC16F506
  • PIC16F616, PIC16FHV616 PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F648A, PIC16F630, PIC16F631, PIC16F636, PIC16F676, PIC16F677, PIC16F684, PIC16F685, PIC16F687, PIC16F688, PIC16F689, PIC16F690, PIC16F785
  • PIC16F72, PIC16F73, PIC16F74, PIC16F76, PIC16F77, PIC16F737, PIC16F747, PIC16F767, PIC16F777
  • PIC16F818, PIC16F819, PIC16F873A, PIC16F874A, PIC16F876A, PIC16F877A, PIC16F87, PIC16F88
  • PIC16F913, PIC16F914, PIC16F916, PIC16F917, PIC16F946
  • PIC18F242, PIC18F252, PIC18F442, PIC18F452, PIC18F458
  • PIC18F1220, PIC18F2220, PIC18F4220, PIC18F1320, PIC18F2320, PIC18F4320, PIC18F2221, PIC18F2321, PIC18F4221, PIC18F4321, PIC18F2331, PIC18F2431, PIC18F4331, PIC18F4431
  • PIC18F2410, PIC18F2420, PIC18F2450, PIC18F2455, PIC18F2480, PIC18F2510, PIC18F2520, PIC18F2525, PIC18F2550, PIC18F2580, PIC18F2585, PIC18F2610, PIC18F2620, PIC18F2680
  • PIC18F4410, PIC18F4420, PIC18F4450, PIC18F4455, PIC18F4480, PIC18F4510, PIC18F4515, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4525, PIC18F4550, PIC18F4580, PIC18F4585, PIC18F4610, PIC18F4620, PIC18F4680
  • PIC18F6527, PIC18F6622, PIC18F6627, PIC18F6722, PIC18F8527, PIC18F8622, PIC18F8627, PIC18F8722
  • PIC18F24J10, PIC18F25J10, PIC18F44J10, PIC18F45J10, PIC18F65J10, PIC18F65J15, PIC18F66J10, PIC18F66J15, PIC18F67J10
  • PIC18F85J10, PIC18F85J15, PIC18F86J10, PIC18F86J15, PIC18F87J10

Debug Support

This kit includes in-circuit debugging for most PIC microcontrollers. In-Circuit-Debugging runs, halts and single steps the program as it runs in your PIC circuit. The file registers can be examined and changed when the program reaches a breakpoint.

PIC, Microchip and MPLAB are Registered Trade Marks of Microchip Corp, Arizona, USA.
PICC is a Trade Mark of Hi-tech Tools

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Ordering Information

Ordering Information Order Code: PIC-TRAIN1 Price: $63.00
Shipping to United States: Recorded airmail - $15.00 Fedex Express - $29.00

No Replacement

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